ALL Campuses, ONE Time, ONE Location, Tomorrow Jan 12th MiddleBrook Campus ONLY at 11AM or Visit our Online Campus at 11AM

Young Adults


Oasis is a place where you can encounter God with people who love God and love each other. We believe that God created us to walk in community! You need FRIENDS and FAMILY. Our prayer is that when you come visit Oasis, you will experience God and find community to do life with.


Every Thursday Night at 7:00pm

Every Thursday night we have a special service for young adults! We start at 7:00pm so you have plenty of time to finish work/classes and come hangout with us! 
Most Thursday nights we have worship led by young adults and a sermon from Pastor Abigail Ramsey that is written specifically for young adults. 


Check us out on social media @oasispwc to stay updated on everything happening at Oasis. You can checkout our sermons on Youtube or on our podcasts with the links below! 

Social media - Youtube - Apple Podcast - Spotify

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