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Park West Church is unapologetically Pentecostal. We believe and adhere to the Fivefold Gospel of Christ. Christ and Christ alone saves. Christ and Christ alone sets apart for holiness. Christ and Christ alone heals physically, emotionally, financially, relationally and spiritually. Christ and Christ alone baptizes in His Spirit with power, authority and ability to live in this life. Christ and Christ alone will come again as King.
All teaching and preaching points toward one or more of these realities. As ministers of the Gospel, the Gospel is central to all teaching. We are not ashamed of the Gospel it is the power of God unto salvation. The preaching of the Gospel is transformative. Hearers of the Word of God become new creations. Believers minds are renewed. We are not interested in teaching behavior modification or morality. The Gospel transforms lives into saints, and royal priesthood. We are focused on preaching and teaching new identity in Christ. Know Be Do. As we know who we are in Christ and who He is in and through us, we are empowered to live purposeful lives free from past bondage and false identities. Therefore, we are empowered by identity, grace and the alive and active Word of God to Be who God has called us to be. Only then are we empowered and equipped to Do the things God has called us to do. Revelation of Christ alone by grace alone empower us to know, be and do His will. 
Savior –Christ alone saves us. It is not of our works. No one is good enough. No one is worthy except He has deemed us worthy of salvation. While we were still sinners Christ died for us. It is by His grace and His grace alone. 
Sanctifier –Christ sanctifies or makes us holy. It is not of our works. The same grace that saves keeps us saved. His Word cleanses. As we hear the Word of God preached we are made holy. 
Healer—by His stripes we were healed. Sodzo (Gk. Salvation) means salvation, healing and deliverance. Christ’s divine exchange on the cross paid in full and once and for all for our healing (mind of Christ, helmet of salvation; physical healing and deliverance from sin and addiction) 
Spirit Baptizer—Christ by His gifts of grace indwells us and baptizes us in His Holy Spirit for empowerment and service. Passion and power to accomplish the good works He has prepared for us in advanced to walk in. 
Soon Coming King—Christ is coming soon for His bride. Therefore, time is short. We are motivated to share His great good news of freedom and life giving love with the world around us.