ALL Campuses, ONE Time, ONE Location, Tomorrow Jan 12th MiddleBrook Campus ONLY at 11AM or Visit our Online Campus at 11AM

Park West
Connect Groups 

Find community in a group where you can discover your purpose 
with like-minded people and make a difference together!

Sunday groups!

Led by Kevin & Jennifer Shick / Brook Campus / Room 108 @ 9:30AM
The Link is a Bible Study for Adults of ALL ages; Singles and Couples. This Group finds passages of scripture that members will read in advance and bring their thoughts and questions to the Class.
Led by Robert Burke / Brook Campus / Room 109 @ 9:30AM
This group will be a discipleship class using the Words and Life of Jesus Christ
as a rubric for Christian faith and practice. This is for ALL Adults UNDER 35
Led by Pastor Vet & Joy Parker / Brook Campus / Room 117 @ 9:30AM
This is a place for Senior Adults to come together, Fellowship, Pray, and Study God's Holy Word.
Led by Trudy Taylor / Brook Campus / Fellowship Hall @ 1:00pm
New Beginnings are for Widows, Divorced & Single Ladies 50 years of age or older! This group focuses on restoring joy with new relationships with each other in sisterhood and with the Lord. They meet the third Sunday of every month. They have lunch together, fellowship, and pray together. In addtion, they may have a guest speaker to join them.  

Wednesday groups!

Led by Tim and Kelly Cutshaw / Brook Campus / Room 108 @ 6:30PM
This Class is for Engaged and Married Couples. The current emphasis is learning how to love, witness to,
and reach a generation of NONE believers as we navigate a now, post Christian society.
Led by Keith & Debra Shultz / Brook Campus / Room 234 @ 6:30PM
Our goal is to facilitate the presence of the Lord, in order to bring healing to those who have experienced any type of trauma in their lives. Our model is God's Word paralleled with behavioral health tools to help individuals rebuild their lives, body, soul, and spirit. We have a lot of fun while we deal with serious topics! come join us and be a part of the Holy Spirit's move to restore and turn ashes into beauty!
Led by Teresa Smith / Brook Campus / Room 109 @ 6:30PM
This Adults Connect group's sessions include: Defining, Preparing, Receiving, Surrendering,
Believing and Spreading the Word of God in full expectation of a revival of God to follow.
Led by Filipp & Mila Gashchenko ; Nik & Oksana Link / Brook Campus / Room 217 @ 6:30PM
This Adult Connect Group is led by these couples that are of Slavic descent. They Speak Russian, Ukrainian, and English. This class is designed to create a place for the Slavic Community to grow together in their knowledge of God and their love for one anotherl
Led by Amy Broyles / Brook Campus / Room 206 @ 6:30PM
This Group is for ALL WOMEN! Ladies of all ages, join us as we study more than 30 women in scripture whose lives have inspired generations of women in their faith and devotion to God. Materials can be purchased at
Led by Mike Evans / Brook Campus / Room 236 @ 6:30PM
The Book of Revelation is the only book in the New Testament that reveals Jesus as He truly is today! No longer "The man of sorrow, familiar with suffering", His appearance today is much different. Come and see what the last book of the Bible has to say. There is a blessing promised for those who read and hear and keep the things written in this book, and the future of earth is laid out in graphic detail.

WEEKDAY / home Groups!

Commissioned Discipleship

Led by Pastor Charity Harris & Shelley Haun / Valley Campus Main Classroom / 2nd & 4th Tuesday @ 6:30PM
This Adult Connect Group is designed to strengthen the Body of Christ by equipping disciples with the knowledge and understanding of their role in the Commission of Bible Discipleship, to then go forward and cultivate disciples.

Committed Men Bible study

Led by Kevin Shick / Brook Campus / Room 109 / 1st and 3rd Tuesday @ 7:00PM
This Group is for ALL MEN to come together as we experience and grow in God through sharing our own stories with one another. Our goal is to share the joys and burdens of life and encourage each other as we grow in Christ.

Men's Fire Pit Nights

Led by Jason Ritchie / Off Campus / 2nd Tuesday Each Month @ 7:00PM
Men of All Ages are invited to join this gathering as we experience and grow in God through sharing our stories with one another! Our goal is to share the joys and burdens of life and through that encourage each other as we grow in Christ. Men are not meant to be alone!

Mom's Walking Group

Led by Summer Cutshaw / Off Campus / Thursday (weather permiting) @ 9:00AM
Moms with Infants & Young Children! This is a casual group to hang out and get some exercise walking with our babies or hanging on the playground with our young kids! We meet weekly at The Cove Park on Norhtshore Drive through Aprill 24. So, grab your stroller and some snacks and come join us! 

Real Life

Led by Kevin & Jennifer Shick / Off Campus / 4th Saturday Each Month @ 6:00PM
For Couples Ages 50 & Over - come together as we share our life and experience together and grow in Christ. The fellowships rotate between group members!

Rolando and Alba's Home Group

Led by Rolando & Alba / Off Campus / Ever other Friday Starting January 17 / 6:30pm
A group where everyone is welcome, deep relationships are formed and we learn what it means to live a life of worship (Kids are welcome!)

Rooted Oaks

Led by Kerri Sagraves / Brook Campus In the Student Center / Every other Monday Starting  January 13 @ 7:00PM
Be part of this Women Only Group this winter as we do a deep dive into Psalm 23. This original study, "The Good Shepherd" takes a closer look at all the qualities of our Heavenly Father that make Him a Good Shepherd to His children. This series will be taught by Kerri Sagraves and Felicia Spratley and allow for special testimonies from different women throughout the semester!
Led by Kerri Sagraves / Valley Campus in the Sanctuary / 2nd Tuesday Every Month Starting January 14 @ 10:30AM
Women Only! Come be a part of Bible Study, Prayer, and Community with Rooted Oaks at the Valley. These Tuesdays are a chance for women of all ages and backgrounds to connect in community, share, and take a closer look at who God is and how He sees us. Each month, we will take a section of Isaiah 61 to discuss the promises of God and share how we have seen Him work out these promises in our own lives.

Vintage Valley

Led by Marshall & Diana Cornelius / Off Campus / 1st Saturday Each Month @ 6:00PM.
Vintage Valley is for those Ages 50 or Over and is a community of people that just love to gather. We pray together, we eat, laugh, and cry together as well. We support one another going through this life and the challenges that it brings.

Women's Home Group

Led by Linda Broadwater / Off Campus / Tuesdays @ 6:00PM
This Group is for Ladies Only! Divorced, Single, Married, and Widowed Ladies of all ages. This group consists of topical study and fellowship. Our group fellowships at the beginning of the study time each week. We have a meal, study the Word of God, share testimonies and praise reports. We stay connected to one another during the week and celebrate holidays and even birthdays together throughout the year!

Young At Heart Fellowship

Led by Pastor Gerald & Dawn McGinnis / Brook Campus / 1st Friday each month @ 6:30PM
This Senior Adult Group is for those who are "Young At Heart" and want some excitement in your life, join us at our next monthly fellowship event!

Connect Serve Group

Led by Adam and Kaylah Rogers / Offsite / Date and Time TBD
If you have a heart for Knoxville and a desire to serve our community, this group is for you! We will gather once a month at various locations to serve our community from the homeless, to widows, to foster families, and beyond. Join us as we work to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Knoxville!